How to Create Time For Yourself as a Busy Entrepreneur

ceo embodyment leveraging energy mindset tool spiritual practices visualisation May 16, 2023
As a busy working mum of 5 young children, carving out intentional moments for myself throughout the day, is the key to staying in good energy. Here are 5 top tips for making time for yourself: 
  • Set your day up for success by creating a powerful morning routine. This could include journaling, meditation and visualisation, however if you are short for time, just setting your intentions for the day, and deciding how you want to feel, is a powerful tool in starting the day feeling empowered and focussed. 
  • Create micro-moments throughout your day for example, while waiting for the kettle to boil when making your coffee. Use these few moments to do a simple box-breath exercise, to reduce stress, and reconnect with your heart space. Take a deep breath in for a count of 4, hold for 4 and release for 4. Visualise a beautiful white light nourishing your body on the inhale, and consciously release any tension or bad energy on the exhale.    
  • Leverage your school run and/or daily commute to work by using this time to listen to uplifting podcasts, audio books and killer playlists that put you into a high vibrational state. 
  • Move stuck or stagnant energy throughout your day, by spending time in nature (even if you just spend 5 minutes in your garden grounding your energy by standing barefoot on your grass, it all helps), going for a walk or having a dance party in your kitchen.   
  • End every day with gratitude before bed. Use this time to make a mental list of all of the things you are grateful for that have happened that day. This uplevels your mental health and wellbeing, gives you a greater sense of perspective during difficult times, and these positive thoughts will continue to play on a loop while you sleep. 

Let me know in the comments, any tips that you will be implementing going forward!

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